Kava Chasers/ Recipes

Kava Chasers/ Recipes

Try it at your own risk. No responsibility or care taken!

1. Keep it Natural - Fresh Fruits - Mangoes/ apple/grapes/mandarin (with/without salt).

2. For the Adventurous - Peas / Bhuja mix generally Hot (depending on how much you can handle)

3. Something Different? - Cheese flavoured Twisties or Cheese flavoured Bongo with a few drops of lemon or lime (trust me- it’s delicious)

4. Everyone’s Favourite - Tamarind Lollies - (coated with chilly powder, salt and sugar)

5. Alien’s Choice - Ice Cream –Not for me but….(yes – they are amongst us!)

6. For the Try Hards -Redbull - ( many do and they still can’t fly!)

7. Fiji’s very own - lollies such as Jason’s Hax/ Jason’s green/yellow lollies

8. The Braveheart – Nothing!

NOTE: – no one fell off their chair or fell asleep while preparing this recipe….I think!

Taki Mada!!!!!

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